Opening day
Submission deadline
Dear Faculty Members,
Dear Students,
On April 27, 2024, AUBG will hold its 18th Annual Faculty-Student Research Conference organized by the Academic Affairs Committee.
Eligibility to Participate
All AUBG students and faculty members are invited to submit proposals:
- Papers dealing with in-progress or completed research projects
- Proposals of performances, such as poetry readings or music performances (for students and faculty from the fields of Arts, Literature and Languages)
Students have to name a professor who supports their proposal
We strongly encourage faculty members to submit their own proposals, so that the event turns into a real faculty-student research conference, where students and faculty perform as equals.
Review of Proposals
All proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by a Program Committee.
Notifications for acceptance/rejection will be sent within a week after the submission of the abstract. The Program Committee reserves the right to:
- Reject proposals which are obviously of non-academic quality
- Select papers or performances in case the number of submitted proposals exceeds the given room capacities at AUBG
Holders of accepted proposals could submit a full paper (if available) within a month from acceptance of the extended abstract to be included in the Conference proceedings
Conference Presentations
The holders of all accepted proposals are expected to present their work at the Conference. Paper presentations and performances should not exceed 15 minutes.
The Conference will be held at BAC on 27 April 2024.
Organizing Committee: Academic Affairs Committee.
In case you have any questions related to the Conference, please contact Prof. Vladimir Georgiev at vgeorgiev@aubg.edu.